Liang-Yao Wang (王亮堯)
Liang-Yao Wang (王亮堯)
~1 min read



Approaching the problem of matrix factorization from a neural network point of view is quite interesting. The idea is that, when ignoring bias and activation functions, a fully-connected nework is just a series of successive linear transformations that can be expressed as successive matrix multiplications. So finding two matrices \(\mathbf{M}_1\) and \(\mathbf{M}_2\) such that \(\mathbf{M}_1 \mathbf{M}_2 = \mathbf{M} \) is analogous to training a one-hidden-layer newtork to produce a net transformation \(\mathbf{M}\). When succeeded, the two weight matrices \(\mathbf{W}_1\) and \(\mathbf{W}_2\) is our (non unique) answer.

Exploring this as an exercise actually led me to another interesting question:

What is the difference between (1) a matrix that is randomly generated, and (2) a matrix that is the product of two matrices that are randomly generated?

Well, the latter is probably less random … but in what way?

It turns out that they can behave differently in the matrix factorization problem because the former has no hidden structure but the latter does. A larger capacity model is needed to fit the former data than the latter.

Check out my exploration here if you wish.